Preferisco il rumore del mare



While on a visit to his native seaside region in southern Italy, wealthy Turin businessman Luigi is moved by the recent tragedy of a distant relative. Teen-aged Rosario's mother has been murdered and his father is in prison. Despite his misfortune, Rosario's self-efficient pride does not allow him to accept offers of help.

By way of the good intentions of Luigi, Rosario is non-enthusiastically brought north to Turin in a home for troubled teens run by charismatic priest Don Lorenzo. Rosario's uncommunicative state sadly preoccupies the 40-something Luigi, despite his own problems - a failed marriage, an unhappy mistress and a difficult home life with his sullen teen-aged son Matteo. When Luigi awkwardly pushes Rosario onto Matteo, a friendship between the boys reluctantly, but poignantly takes shape. Rosario's composed and deeply religious nature compatibly contrasts with Matteo's nervous dissatisfaction with a world blocked out with the help of loud rock music.

When Rosario's strong presence begins to inspire the confined Matteo to rebel against his father's authority, Luigi's deep-rooted complexes about his origins resurface uncomfortably. The fragile trust between the three of them is threatened as the emotional barriers between cultures, classes and generations become more evident.

Director's Statement

I have the profound and optimistic conviction that every moment in our lives is a good moment to change, grow or start again. In this story, that moment of chance is the meeting between two adolescent boys from totally different cultural and social backgrounds. Despite this, they are capable of mutual respect and become fond of one another.

This film is also the story of how this meeting between the two boys provokes a crisis among the adults around them. Along the way, unveiling the hypocrisies and the weaknesses that are destroying their lives. This story does not seek to pretend to teach anything to anyone. It plants numerous doubts and only one certitude: good intentions and fancy words are not enough to help others.

Cast & Crew

Directed by: Mimmo Calopresti

Written by: Mimmo Calopresti, Francesco Bruni

Produced by: Luigi Musini, Donatella Botti, Roberto Cicutto

Cinematography: Luca Bigazzi

Editing: Massimo Fiocchi

Costume Design: Silvia Nebiolo

Original Score: Franco Piersanti

Cast: Silvio Orlando (Luigi), Michele Raso (Rosario), Fabrizia Sacchi (Serena), Paolo Cirio (Matteo)

Nominations and Awards

  • Feature Film Selection 2000