Boiler Room - "Thế Giới"

By Anh Phi Trần

Runtime (Minutes): 06:55


Runtime (Minutes): 06:55

By Anh Phi Trần

Boiler Room - "Thế Giới"


“Thế Giới” is a short documentary film for Boiler Room channeling the maximalist raw energy of two queer collectives — Gái Nhảy & Bung Lon — accelerating club culture in Sài Gòn, Vietnam.

Blissful Havoc.

Watch all performances here:

Director | Anh Phi Trần
Production | Booncha
Producer | Mike Phạm @badassvietnamese
Director Of Photography | Thịnh Phạm @thinhpham_dp
Post-Production | Paume @paume.p

Gái Nhảy: Vân Anh @van_____anh, Lưu Ly @luzboku, Đỗ Đỗ @dodonmt, Toofsa @toofsannn, Khoaly Killah @khoalykillah
Bung Lon: Donüt @donut_capitaleo, Smoothie Boiz @smoothie.boiz, Phát Paris, Kỳ Mỹ @ymxmxy, Lil Toilet @liltoiletdayne

Production Managers | Xa Đông Nghi, Trang Pizu @trangpizu
Executive Producer | Anh Phi Trần @anh___phi
Production Assistants | Hoàng Cheval, Văn Sĩ
Camera Operators (Documentary) | Hanzo @anhvdoan, Anh Phi Trần @anh___phi
Camera Operators (Broadcast) | Đình Trung @dihtrungg, Trung Tít @ngqtrung.drg, Lã Nguyễn Hoàng Việt @thelavieaint, Lâm Lưu @lam.saving, Clio Marden @cliomarden, Anh Phi Trần @anh___phi
Focus Puller | Tây Lai @taylai
Gaffer | Phước Nguyễn
Soundman | Nhanh Trần
DIT | Quách Hải Thọ
Equipment | Cinespace
Flycam | Minh Nhí @minhphamducc (Cinebird @team.cinebirds)
Props Team | Trịnh Trung Sứ
Stylist (Performance And Dancers) | Miu @miumieu__698969
Location Manager | Trương Quang Huy
Transportation | Công Ty Trung Oanh

MC | Jack Nguyen @nguyenxlexnguyen
Drags | Genderfunk @genderfunk, Nicki Briona @nickibriona_, Gigi @gigi.twist27, Dan @d_h_dan
Dancers | Kim, Haki, Genbou, Kim, Linh, Zenky, Hoà Tủn, Thảo, Khang, High Head, Long Công Chúa
Live Visual Artists | Angelo @gelurrr, Kapu @noibuontuyetdinh, Tín @sn.nelise, Khánh @khah_ph
Choreography | Kim, Phát Paris
Event Mastering Engineer | Bui.Linh.Bui @bui.linh.bui (Saigon Root Music)
Event Recording Engineer | Nemo, Thahhtrugg @thahhtrugg
Pole Dancer | Triệu Mỹ Xuân
Pole Rental | Bí
Fire Dancer | Nguyễn Tình

Photogrammetry Artist | Head Of Noodles @head.of.noodles
Photogrammetry Assistant | Vieeeeeen @vieeeeeeen
Photogrammetry Studios | Êle Studio, Your Studio

Post-Producer | Paxie Hà @de.bouth_
Editor | Anh Phi Trần @anh___phi
Additional Editors | Alexis Benot @v.o.l.e, Eugène Signoret @eugenesignoret
Assistant Editor | Dang Duy Nguyen @dangduynguyen_
Colorist | Vinh Long Tran @trancactus
Sound Design | Kitchenette, Zach Sch @gerogeriyeyeye
Sound Mixing | Kitchenette

Boiler Room Creative Producer | Will Davenport @billydavro
Boiler Room Executive Producer | Joe Walker
Title Designer | Wei Huang @w__h____

Music Trailer | Fitnesss

Special thanks: Racing Beer Club, Tuấn Anh, Tuấn Tobi, Nnice Karaoke, Cô Thanh, Hoàng Thị Coffee, Hoang Nam Viet, Iconoclast Berlin

Presented by @absolutvodka




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