

This is the story of the Irish writer and artist Christy Brown who grew up in a large and very conser- vative Dublin family and proved that despite a serious disability he could paint pictures of startling beauty.The devoted care of his mother and the support of his"physiotherapist were instrumental in helping Christy Brown learn how to use his left foot as a tool of artistic expression. »My Left Foot« is dedicated to an extraordinary human being. The optimistic film celebrates Jim Sheridan and Christy Brown´s immense strength while revealing the joys and the struggles of his passionate life.

Cast & Crew

Directed by: Jim Sheridan

Written by: Shane Connaughton, Jim Sheridan

Produced by: Noel Pearson

Cast: Daniel Day-Lewis, Ray McAnally, Brenda Fricker, Fiona Shaw, Hugh 0'Conor, Ruth McCabe

Nominations and Awards

  • Young European Film 1989
  • European Director 1989
  • European Actor 1989