Mia et le Migou

France, Italy


Forced to leave his destitute village to find work, Pedro finds himself far from home, working on a building site. He takes part in drilling a tunnel for a luxurious hotel complex project in a site of exceptional natural beauty hidden deep in the mountains. But the building site is struck by problems: mysterious forces are wreaking havoc. A landslide on the mountain forces the entrance to the tunnel to collapse, leaving Pedro trapped.
Mia, Pedro’s young daughter having recently lost her mother, decides to leave her village to look for her father, knowing that she will have to cross a cursed forest. All the villagers try to convince her to stay but the little girl is determined to go; her love for her father is stronger than anything.
Meanwhile, Jeckhide, the brash hotel developer, is more and more worried due to reports of the problems at the building site and also because of the news of the discovery of a huge footprint, left by a mysterious creature. Strongly under pressure to make his partners sign their contracts, Jeckhide decides to travel to the location, too.
At the same time, after days and days of walking through the immense forest, Mia finds herself entering an almost fairytale world which will lead her to encounter the mysterious Migoo…

Cast & Crew

Directed by: Jacques-Rémy Girerd

Written by: Jacques-Rémy Girerd, Antoine Lanciaux, Iouri Tcherenkov, Benoît Chieux

Produced by: Jacques-Rémy Girerd

Nominations and Awards

  • European Animated Feature Film 2009