Eligible films must be intended for theatrical release and have had their first official screening (be it at a festival or at a regular cinema) between 1 June 2024 and 30 September 2025 and meet the particular criteria of the respective European Film Awards category. Depending on the first official screening a film needs to be submitted within the respective submission period (see 2.3). The Academy Board has the right to refrain from staying within the time frame in exceptional cases. This eligibility scheme does not apply for the category EUROPEAN SHORT FILM where the eligibility is based on the year of production.

The main production country of an eligible film must be European; European, in the sense of the European Film Academy, means geographical Europe, both EU and non-EU, and includes Israel and Palestine (refer to list of eligible countries).

The criteria whereby feature-length fiction films qualify as European are based upon the Council of Europe Convention on Cinematographic Co-production (CETS No. 220). According to the Convention, a film qualifies as European if it achieves 16 points out of a possible maximum of 21 from a schedule of European elements.

To give the most flexible definition, the European Film Academy uses a lower minimum of 13 points as follows:

European elements                                                                         Weighting points

Director                                                                                                                                    4

Scriptwriter                                                                                                                             3

Composer                                                                                                                               1

First role                                                                                                                                   3

Second role                                                                                                                            2

Third role                                                                                                                                  1

Head of Department – cinematography                                                                      1

Head of Department – sound                                                                                          1

Head of Department – picture editing                                                                           1

Head of Department – production or costume design                                            1

Studio or shooting location                                                                                                1

Visual effects (VFX) or computer-generated imagery (CGI) location                   1

Post production location                                                                                                     1


Total      21

The Academy Board has the right to make exceptions in cases of lower points, provided the film has both a European director and a European main production country.

Eligible individuals for a nomination or an award must be born in Europe or hold a European passport. The Academy Board may consider non-Europeans provided they have a European refugee or similar status or have lived in Europe and worked in the European film industry for at least five consecutive years (verification required).

Films submitted for the 37th European Film Awards (2024) are not eligible.


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