The Turin Horse


Switzerland, France, Hungary, Germany

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The Turin Horse
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In Turin in 1889, Nietzsche flings his arms around an exhausted carriage horse, then looses consciousness and his mind. Somewhere in the countryside: a farmer, his daughter, a cart and the old horse. Outside, a windstorm rises.

In Turin in 1889, Nietzsche flings his arms around an exhausted carriage horse, then looses consciousness and his mind. Somewhere in the countryside: a farmer, his daughter, a cart and the old horse. Outside, a windstorm rises.


  • European Director 2011
  • European Cinematographer – Prix Carlo Di Palma 2011
  • European Composer 2011


  • Feature Film Selection

Cast & Crew

  • Written by: Béla Tarr, László Krasznahorkai
  • Editing: Ágnes Hranitzky
  • Produced by: Gábor Téni, Marie-Pierre Macia, Juliette Lepoutre, Ruth Waldburger, Martin Hagemann
  • Production Design: Sándor Kállay
  • Cast: Erika Bók, János Derzsi
  • Directed by: Béla Tarr
  • Original Score: Mihály Víg
  • Cinematography: Fred Kelemen

Director's Statement

Our film follows up the question. What did in fact happen to the horse? Ohlsdorfer, the carter, and his daughter live out their lives on their farmstead. They subsist on hard work: their only source of income is the horse and cart - that’s what they live on. The father takes on carting jobs, his daughter takes care of the household. It’s a very meagre life and infinitely monotonous. Their practiced movements and the changes in seasons and times of day dictate the rhythm and routine which is cruelly inflicted on them. The film portrays mortality, with that deep pain which we, who are under sentence of death, all feel.



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