


Mohammad's family lives in an isolated house situated halfway between a Palestinian village and an Israeli settlement. The house lies in the crossfire between the two opposing sides. For this reason the Israeli Army decides to invade the house.

Although Israeli soldiers occupy the second floor of the house, Mohammad refuses to leave. Reinforced by his strong principles against violence, he decides to find a solution living together with the Israeli soldiers.
This way of living together, soaked in fear, splits the family between those trying to understand the father’s message and those who simply cannot do so. Every family member reacts in a different way to the soldiers' presence in the house and to the father's authority.


Saverio Costanzo was born in Rome in 1975. He studied communications sociology and got his degree with a thesis on Italian-Americans from Brooklyn. He moved to New York where he made a documentary in episodes on the daily life on the public space of the Milleluci cafe in Brooklyn.

He remained in New York for two years during which he worked as cameraman and writer for documentaries for the production company GVG Usa.

In 2000 he wrote, filmed, directed and edited six episodes of a new docu-fiction set within the red room (emergency resuscitation) of the hospital "Policlinico Umberto I" in Rome. With SALA ROSSA he won the special mention from critics at the Turin International Film Festival. PRIVATE is his first feature film.

2001 SALA ROSSE, 6-episode doc-fiction

Mohammad's family lives in an isolated house situated halfway between a Palestinian village and an Israeli settlement. The house lies in the crossfire between the two opposing sides. For this reason the Israeli Army decides to invade the house.

Although Israeli soldiers occupy the second floor of the house, Mohammad refuses to leave. Reinforced by his strong principles against violence, he decides to find a solution living together with the Israeli soldiers.
This way of living together, soaked in fear, splits the family between those trying to understand the father’s message and those who simply cannot do so. Every family member reacts in a different way to the soldiers' presence in the house and to the father's authority.


  • Feature Film Selection

Cast & Crew

  • Directed by: Saverio Costanzo
  • Written by: Saverio Costanzo, Camilla Costanzo, Sayed Qashua, Alessio Cremonini
  • Cast: Mohammad Bakri (Mohammad B.), Lior Miller (Commander Ofer), Tomer Russo (Private Eial), Areen Omari (Samiah B.), Mohammad Bakri, Lior Miller
  • Produced by: Mario Gianani
  • Cinematography: Luigi Martinucci
  • Editing: Francesca Calvelli
  • Production Design: Ludovica Amati
  • Costume Design: Einat Fadida
  • Original Score: Alter Ego
  • Sound Design: Gabriele Moretti, Antonio Dolce

Director's Statement

PRIVATE started from a true story. When I was in Palestine a journalist talked to me about an Arab, whose identity I cannot disclose, who still today lives with Israeli soldiers on his roof. He is the principal of a school who loves Shakespeare, prays five times a day and observes the Ramadan. He lives five meters away from the wall of the Israeli military base: he opens the door of his kitchen and here it is. Recently they shot at his son but luckily he was hit only in his foot.

Since 1992 nobody has left the house. There is nothing around it because usually the Israelis destroy the surrounding houses so to be able to have an unhindered view. But they also cannot evict him because of two reasons: he is not a terrorist and has become famous. The media know and back him. What struck me is that within the occupied house one does not perceive hatred or anger, from neither party.



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