A Wonderful Night In Split





In the dark and deserted streets of the Croatian city of Split's medieval Ghetto, during the final two hours of New Year’s Eve, three separate love stories - not directly involved in the festivities - intertwine with each other. Three couples find themselves near the main Roman Square: a small time drug dealer Nick and a widow Maria with her son; a young junkie in a crisis Maja, and a depressed American sailor Franky; and a pair of naive teenagers, Luke and Angela. They all unsuccessfully try to escape their individual extreme situations only to find their lives permanently and irreversibly changed. As we see their stories develop a major concert performed by a lively singer unfolds before an emotional crowd gathered to usher in the New Year, along with a traditional fireworks display at the stroke of midnight.

In the dark and deserted streets of the Croatian city of Split's medieval Ghetto, during the final two hours of New Year’s Eve, three separate love stories - not directly involved in the festivities - intertwine with each other. Three couples find themselves near the main Roman Square: a small time drug dealer Nick and a widow Maria with her son; a young junkie in a crisis Maja, and a depressed American sailor Franky; and a pair of naive teenagers, Luke and Angela. They all unsuccessfully try to escape their individual extreme situations only to find their lives permanently and irreversibly changed. As we see their stories develop a major concert performed by a lively singer unfolds before an emotional crowd gathered to usher in the New Year, along with a traditional fireworks display at the stroke of midnight.


  • European Film Academy Discovery - Prix Fassbinder 2004

Cast & Crew

  • Written by: Arsen Anton Ostojic
  • Produced by: Jozo Patljak
  • Cinematography: Mirko Pivcevic
  • Editing: Dubravko Slunjski
  • Original Score: Mate Matisic
  • Costume Design: Branka Tkalcec
  • Make-Up Artist: Irena Hadrovic
  • Sound Design: Tomislav Babic
  • Cast: Dino Dvornik (Singer), Marinko Prga (Blacky), Mladen Vulic (Nick), Marija Å karicic (Maja), Vicko Bilandzic (Luke)
  • Directed by: Arsen Anton Ostojic


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