
The Netherlands, Turkey


They come at night. Everyone steps out of their homes. They light torches and remember those who have walked these streets before them. In the next few hours, the city is on lockdown and an eclipse appears. At night, meteors start to fall. Blending documentary filmmaking and political commentary, and connecting the earthly to the cosmos, METEORS is a film about memory and disappearance – of people, places and things.

Director's Biography

Born in İzmir, Gürcan Keltek studied film at Dokuz Eylül University before directing several shorts including OVERTIME (2012), selected at Visions Du Réel and DOK Leipzig. His medium-format film, COLONY (2015), was screened at FIDMarseille. METEORS (2017), his first feature film, premiered at Locarno Film Festival where it won Swatch Art Peace Hotel First Feature Film Award and Cinelab Award. GULYABANI (2018) premiered in the Signs of Life section at Locarno Film Festival.

2018 - Gulyabani
2017 - Meteors
2015 - Colony,
2012 - Overtime

Cast & Crew

Directed by: Gürcan Keltek

Written by: Gürcan Keltek

Produced by: Arda Çiltepe, Marc Van Goethem, Burak Çevik

Cinematography: Firat Gürgen, Mustafa Sen

Editing: Fazilet Onat

Sound Design: Gürcan Keltek

Nominations and Awards

  • Documentary Selection 2018