

It is the 1930's and Jacob, a Romanian coal-miner, lives in a dark world marked by poverty and exploitation. Although he is an honest man and highly regarded by others, one day he is unjustly accused of stealing gold. As punishment he is sent to work in a remote and distant mine, but he still hopes for retribution. Just when it finally looks as if his innocence has been proven, his life takes a tragic turn. In the hope of speeding his journey home, he crosses a wide valley on the mining company's lift, but on the way over it jams. It's Christmas and no one comes to Jacob's rescue...

Cast & Crew

Directed by: Mircea Daneliuc

Written by: Mircea Daneliuc

Cast: Maria Seles, Dorel Visan, Dorel Visan, Cecilia Birbora, Ion Fiscuteanu, Maria Seles, Cecilia Birbora, Ion Fiscuteanu

Nominations and Awards

  • European Actor 1988