

A family's peaceful existence is threatened when a busy highway is opened only meters away from their isolated house in the middle of nowhere. Refusing to move, Marthe, Michel and their three children find innovative ways to adapt to their new environment. They continue their happy-go-lucky routine despite the daily stress of hundreds of noisy speeding cars. But suspicions about the highway's unknown long-term dangers cause family tension. Remaining in the disrupted household might not be so easy, but it's still their home.

Cast & Crew

Directed by: Ursula Meier

Written by: Antoine Jaccoud, Raphaelle Valbrunne, Ursula Meier

Cinematography: Agnès Godard

Cast: Isabelle Huppert (Marthe), Adelaide Leroux (Judith), Madeleine Budd (Marion), Kacey Mottet Klein (Julien), Olivier Gourmet (Michel)

Nominations and Awards

  • Feature Film Selection 2008