Switzerland, Germany


Far, far away and out of sight, that’s where April, Dave, Cindy, Rick and the Godfather are creating life on their own terms. From the depths of the flood channels under Sin City, to a reclaimed military bunker in the middle of dusty, heated Californian nowhere land, to beyond the stratosphere where Mars now lives on earth. Each individual has been flung into periling circumstances on this rollercoaster ride called life. Through the hustle, pain, and laughter, we are whisked away to an unfamiliar world where we discover its inhabitants to be souls not unlike our very own.

Cast & Crew

Directed by: Nicolas Steiner

Written by: Nicolas Steiner

Produced by: Cornelia Seitler, Helge Albers (Flying Moon Filmproduktion GmbH), Brigitte Hofer

Cinematography: Markus Nestroy

Editing: Kaya Inan

Original Score: John Gürtler, Lars Voges, Jan Miserre

Sound Design: Tobias Koch

Nominations and Awards

  • Documentary Selection 2015